
"Truth of Cancer" written by Shuichi Suzuki (6)

(Mistake of Modern Medicine No. 4)
They strive to develop a wonder drug for cancer.

Because cancer is a systemic disease, there is no "magic bullet" or instant cure for it. Because cancer cells are produced in the same mechanism as normal cells, we can only develop drugs that kill cancer cells, but not those that cure cancer itself. Investing much money in such development is a waste of the national budget. The only way to cure cancer as a systemic disease is to improve the system.


The reason why modern medicine is virtually helpless in fighting cancer lies in the tremendous influence of the two wrong theories discussed below. The academic discipline of modern medicine is founded on these two prevailing theories.

(Wrong Theory No. 1: Hematology)

Blood is produced in bone marrow. (=Myelopoiesis Theory)

Bone marrow is the tissue consisting of fat. It is not a place of blood production. The true place of blood production is the intestines. Without knowing this fact, people fail to understand the causal relationship between foods and body cells, and tend to consider "foods are not relevant to diseses." They don't realize the deep relationship between foods and cancer.

- to be continued -