
「ガン終焉の時代」の到来 (2)鈴木修一著

「ガン終焉の時代」の到来 (2)鈴木修一著

通常の健康な細胞は、全て酸素呼吸(血液によって全身に運ばれるヘモグロビン)で生命を維持していますが、ガン細胞は酸素呼吸ではなく、”発酵”のような形で生き延びています。この変な細胞が、本当に”突然変異”によって出現するのでしょうか? 現代では、3人に1人、あるいは2人に1人がガンになる時代といわれています。そんな誰にでも起こりうるような”日常的な出来事”が、そのたびに”突然変異(=何だか分からないが、突然変化するという稀な...

"Truth of Cancer" written by Shuichi Suzuki (5)

"Truth of Cancer" written by Shuichi Suzuki (5)

(Mistake of Modern Medicine No. 2) Cancer Cells are mixed up with "cancer". The above line of reasoning tells us that cancer cells are not cancer itself. Cancer cells are the cells that appear in the body as a result of being affected by cancer. It's not an entity(=cause) but a result. Even if you can eliminate apparent cancer cells using surgery or antitumor drug, it does not mean cancer is cured. Treating th...

"Truth of Cancer" written by Shuichi Suzuki (4)

"Truth of Cancer" written by Shuichi Suzuki (4)

Here, we can clearly see the reason why cancer cells are formed. Poor blood flow or deteriorated blood quality resulting from various causes throws the cells into a state of oxygen insufficiently. If the cells simply die from this condition, the life of the person is put in danger. Attempting to save the life of ther master, these cells transform into cancer cells so that they can survive under a low-oxygen condit...

"Truth of Cancer" written by Shuichi Suzuki (3)

"Truth of Cancer" written by Shuichi Suzuki (3)

This process of the formation of body cells from blood cells is called differenciation. When blood is clean, healthy cells are produced from it. When blood is tainted by wastes & toxins, morbid cells are produced. Further defilement of blood leads to the formation of cancer cells. It's now clear that cancer cells are produced in this way. Then, why is it that dirty blood gives rise to cancer cells ? Dr. Warburg, ...

「ガン終焉の時代」の到来 (1) 鈴木修一著

「ガン終焉の時代」の到来 (1) 鈴木修一著

ガンとは何か? ガン細胞をガンと勘違いしているうちは、ガンを永遠に治せません。現代医学のガンの定義は、「何らかの原因により突然変異を起こした悪性細胞が際限なく分裂・増殖して、人を死に至らしめる」ということになっています。だからガン検診でガン細胞が見つかると、「大変だ!ガン(?)が見つかった。早く入院して手術/抗ガン剤/放射線治療をしないと、手遅れになってしまう」という流れになってしまいます。本当にそうなのでしょうか...

”Truth of Cancer” written by Shuichi Suzuki (2)

”Truth of Cancer” written by Shuichi Suzuki (2)

Normal cells are made from blood. Red blood cells are the main component of blood(about 47% of blood in volume, 99% of all blood cells). They are produced in the intestinal wall when foodstuff is digested and absorbed. Intestinal bacteria and foodstuff mix together to form something called food monera. In the deep parts of the intestinal wall, it transforms into erythropoietic cells, which begin producing red bloo...

"Truth of Cancer" written by Shuichi Suzuki (1)

"Truth of Cancer" written by Shuichi Suzuki (1)

Why Modern Medicine cannot cure cancer ? The reason is simple. It's because modern medicine cannot answer the essential question "What is cancer ?" (Mistake of Modern Medicine: No. 1) It doesn't know how cancer cells are produced in the body. According to modern medicine, cancer is a malignant disease caused by the mutation of cells to become cancer cells, which divide and proliferate unlimitedly, resulting in...